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The campaigns of the Norman dukes of southern Italy against Byzantium, in the years between 1071 and 1108 AD

I intend to examine all the main campaigns conducted by the Normans in the Byzantine Empire’s western Balkan provinces, in the period from the fall of Bari, the capital of Byzantine Longobardia (Italy) and the seat of the Byzantine governor of Italy in 1071, to the Treaty of Devol that marked the end of Bohemond of Taranto’s Illyrian campaign in 1108.


Pristina libertas: liberty and the Anglo-Saxons revisited

Liberty and the Anglo-Saxons once co-existed in happy equilibrium. As long as later Englishmen pictured the England of the Anglo-Saxons as the fount of the ancient constitution or cradle of the English nation they projected on to this apparently formative period their aspirations, liberty among them; from at least the seventeenth century to the twentieth historians, politicians and polemicists sought and found liberty in the pre-Conquest past