Books Features

New Medieval Books: Weird Medieval Guys

Weird Medieval Guys: How to Live, Laugh, Love (and Die) in Dark Times

By Olivia M. Swarthout

Square Peg
ISBN: 97816529908305

A fun book about the Middle Ages, filled with many manuscript images. Half the book deals with medieval daily life while the other half – The Bestiary – focuses on animals and beasts from the period.


It’s not easy to imagine what people were like a thousand years ago. Just think. then how they’d feel looking a millennium into the future trying to imagine us. Our world would seem so strange to them. They didn’t know about pizza delivery or the perils of online dating in your thirties. Most of them probably would never have guessed that we’d be able to access centuries of art and writing in an instant from a device called a ‘phone’ that weighs less than a turnip. If you could travel back to medieval Europe and tell someone that one day, in the distant future, their work could be seen by hundreds of thousands of people across the world, they probably would have said something like ‘hwaet?’, which is Old English for ‘what’?


Who is this book for?

This book is aimed at a general audience, offering interesting bits of medieval information. Nearly every page includes images from medieval manuscripts, so it serves as a great introduction to this form of art.

The author

Olivia Swarthout created the X/Twitter channel @WeirdMedieval in 2022, sharing images of medieval manuscript illustrations. Her social media took off, which has led her to create this book and a podcast. To learn more about Olivia, check out this profile of her from Artnet.


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