Features Podcast

Preventing the Misuse of the Medieval Past with Amy Kaufman and Paul Sturtevant

There are those who abuse the medieval past in order to promote ideas of racism, white supremacism, and other toxic ideologies. To counter these views, Amy S. Kaufman and Paul B. Sturtevant have written The Devil’s Historians: How Modern Extremists Abuse the Medieval Past. They join Danièle to talk about their work and how the Middle Ages was more diverse, compelling, and complex than is often portrayed in mass media.

The Devil’s Historians: How Modern Extremists Abuse the Medieval Past has been published this year by the University of Toronto Press. Click here to visit the publisher’s website or buy it on Amazon.com

Amy S. Kaufman is a scholar of medieval studies and popular culture. You can visit her website or follow her on Twitter @drdarkage

Paul B. Sturtevant is an Audience Research Specialist at The Smithsonian Institution and the Editor in Chief of The Public Medievalist. You can also visit his website or follow him on Twitter @Past_Present

The Public Medievalist is one of the leading websites about the Middle Ages – they examine many of the important issues within medieval studies, such as their series Race, Racism and the Middle Ages. Click here to explore their website.

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The host of The Medieval Podcast is Danièle Cybulskie. Click here to visit her website or follow her on Twitter @5MinMedievalist

You also buy her book Life in Medieval Europe: Fact and Fiction through Amazon.com

Top Image: World map of 1544 by Sebastian Muenster.