Features Podcast

The Distaff Gospels

This week, Danièle speaks with Peter Konieczny about one of her favourite medieval books: The Distaff Gospels. Full to the brim with wit and wild advice for timeless problems, this is a book that reminds us of the full picture of life in the Middle Ages.

You can read the English translation of The Distaff Gospels, which was done by Madeleine Jeay and Kathleen Garay and published by Broadview Press. Click here to visit the publisher’s website.

Some of the articles we have that deal with The Distaff Gospels include:

Five Medieval Tricks to Make You Luckier in Love

Medieval Advice for Pregnant Women

Fake Medieval Proverbs (from the Middle Ages)

The creator and host of The Medieval Podcast is Danièle Cybulskie. Click here to visit her website or follow her on Twitter @5MinMedievalist

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