Severe drought may have led the Huns to attack the Roman Empire, study suggests
Hunnic peoples migrated westward across Eurasia, switched between farming and herding, and became violent raiders in response to severe drought in the Danube frontier provinces of the Roman empire, a new study argues.
Attila and the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields (451)
The Huns became a powerful force in Europe in the fifth century AD. In this episode of Bow and Blade, Kelly and Michael examine the story of Attila, the reliability of historical sources, and just how important the Battle of the Catalaunian Fields was.
History of the Huns and Avars, 370 to 829
In these two videos, the impact of two early medieval nomadic peoples – the Huns and the Avars – is shown in Europe.
Seeing and Hearing the ‘Scourge of God’: Attila the Hun in film, music and opera
Attila is a figure who has been treated in all manner of different ways, positive and negative in various art forms – from classical to contemporary music, sculpture, painting, opera, fiction, and film.
Collapse of the Hunnic Empire: Jordanes, Ardaric and the Battle of Nedao
This thesis examines the evidence surrounding the Battle of Nedao, an engagement between Ardaric, leader of the Gepids and other rebelling tribes, and Ellac, the eldest son of Attila.
Hunnic Warfare in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries C.E.
This study examines evidence of Hunnic archery, questions the acceptance and significance of the “Hunnic archer” image, and situates Hunnic archery within the context of the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
Why did Attila leave Italy?
Reporting on the paper ‘Attila’s Appetite: The Logistics of Attila the Hun’s Invasion of Italy in 452’, by Jason Linn, given at the International Congress on Medieval Studies
Hungary’s Conversion to Christianity: The Establishment of Hungarian Statehood and its Consequences to the Thirteenth Century
The Carpathian Basin occupies a peculiar place in history. It was the ground where Roman-Germanic world met that of the Slavs and mounted nomad peoples, where no group had achieved sustained unity before the state of Hungary was founded.
Scandinavia and the Huns: an Interdisciplinary Approach to the Migration Era
The aim of this paper is to discuss the early Migration period as a particular period of ‘short term history’ and its formative impact on the Scandinavian longue duree in the first millenium.
Did a Megadrought force the Huns to invade Europe?
The worst megadrought in the last 2000 years hit Central Asia around 360 AD, new study finds
Here comes the Hun again…
TSMorangles takes a look at the 1954 film Sign of the Pagan, starring Jack Palance as Attila and Jeff Chandler as Marcian.
Sacred Kingship among the Peoples of the Steppes
eurThe vast belt of the Steppes, located between the Hungarian plains and the Great Wall of China,
runs along the southern edge of the Eurasian arboreal zone. Starting in the 1st millenium B.C. this region has been inhabited by Iranian, Hunnish, Turkish and Mongol mounted nomads who, at various times, unified a large portion of the Steppes into a single empire.
Odoacer: German or Hun?
The careers of Odoacer, of his father, and of his brother – even of his ill-fated son – were entirely consistent with those which could have been achieved by noble Huns in the generation after Attila’s death
The Western Roman Embassy to the Court of Attila in AD 449
In the summer of 449, yet another eastern Roman embassy set out from Constantinople for the court of the king of the Huns Attila.