Features Online Courses

Online course starting this week: The History of Biblical Translation

Starting, Saturday, June 1st: This six-week course includes live 2-hour sessions with the instructor each week at 1:00pm Eastern U.S. time (6:00pm BST). Sessions consist of lecture, discussion of readings, and Q&A.

The Bible is the most translated text of all time. Throughout history, daring to translate the Word of God has resulted in violence and controversy. Biblical translation has also exerted a crucial influence on linguistic development around the world, giving some languages their first written or standardized form. In this six-week course you will be introduced to the rich and fascinating history of biblical translation from antiquity to the present day.


Week 1: Ancient Foundations: Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek

Week 2: From Vernacular to Vulgate: The Latin Biblical Tradition

Week 3: The Earliest Christian Translations

Week 4: Englishing the Scriptures: The Bible in Old and Middle English

Week 5: The Medieval European Vernacular Bible

Week 6: From Scroll to Screen: Modern Biblical Editing and Translation

This course is open to people of all backgrounds with an interest in the Bible and its translation history. No previous academic or linguistic qualifications are required to participate. The focus is scholarly but accessible. Applications are welcome from specialists, non-specialists, (post)graduates, undergraduates, and people outside of research and education who want to learn more about biblical translation.

No knowledge of any other languages beyond English is required.

Some very light preparation will be required for the weekly discussion segment and will be provided in advance of each session.


Participants will be provided with additional, optional reading materials and useful resources, should they be of interest during or following the course.

Overall, participants will gain an understanding of:

1) the textual and transmissional history of the Bible

2) historical and contemporary contexts of biblical translation

3) the concept of  “sacred” or “holy” language(s) and the relationship to “everyday” language

4) translation theory as it pertains to scripture

5) the cultural and linguistic importance of the Bible in translation.

Click here to learn more and sign up
