Features Online Courses

Online Course: The Viking Age is starting to offer online courses for those interested in the Middle Ages! Our first course is The Viking Age with Terri Barnes, and it begins on September 9th. Here are the details on how to enroll.

The Viking Age is an introduction to Viking History. Each week historian Terri Barnes takes you through a different aspect of the lives of Norse peoples who lived during the Viking Age from c. AD 750 to 1100. The course starts on September 9th with live classes each Friday (at 5pm Eastern U.S. time). This six-week course will feature live sessions over video, plus resources and readings.


The courses will be run through Thinkific, a leading platform for online education.

Click here to sign up for the course through Thinkific


We at are very excited about this new endeavour. The basic goal is to provide the platform and outreach for historians and scholars of the medieval world so they can teach courses about topics they know and enjoy.

We often get questions about where someone can find high-quality online courses in the field of medieval studies. Moreover, there are many people who have experience teaching at a university or college level and want to do more of it. We hope we can bring all these people together.


Look for more courses to be offered. If all goes well, we will be able to offer a wide range of classes, including on history, literature, art, languages, paleography and more.

Check out the first class – The Viking Age
