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New Medieval Books: 1217: The Battles That Saved England

1217: The Battles That Saved England

By Catherine Hanley

ISBN: 97814728660903

Covering the momentous events that took place in England between 1216 and 1217, this book focuses on the Siege of Dover Castle, the Battle of Lincoln and the naval Battle of Sandwich.


The story of the invasion, and of the war that took place on English soil for seventeen months from May 1216 to September 1217, is one of military triumph and disaster, and the purpose of this book is to pay particular attention to the three principal engagements that decided the course of the campaign and the future of England. The first is a siege, the second is a battle on land and the third at battle at sea. These three very different encounters played seemingly isolated roles in the war, but they actually developed from, and had a significant impact on, each other, while also being linked by events elsewhere. They were distinctive in their introduction of new military technology and the use of innovative tactics that would greatly influence future engagements, both in England and beyond.


Who is this book for?

The seventeen months covered in this book were indeed eventful, so those interested in English history will find it to be a good read. The focus on military history will also find an audience among both casual readers and students in the field.

The author:

Catherine Hanley has built a good career as a historian of England and France in the High Middle Ages. This is her fifth book, with Two Houses, Two Kingdoms: A History of France and England, 1100–1300 among her previous titles. Click here to view Catherine’s website.


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