
Spinning Destinies: Norns, Valkyries and the Art of Textile Production in the Viking Age

Spinning Destinies: Norns, Valkyries and the Art of Textile Production in the Viking Age

Keynote paper by Edel Porter

Given at the VI International Conference on Myth in the Arts on September 16, 2022

Excerpt: What we’re particularly interested in for the purposes of this lecture is the way in which the role of women as spinners and weavers is represented on the Oseberg ship. The Oseberg burial contains the largest and most varied collection of textiles and textile tools which have ever been found in a single grave of the Viking Age.


Edel Porter is a Lecturer in Old English and Historical Linguistics at Universidad de Castilla La Mancha. Click here to view her Google Scholar page or follow Edel on Twitter @ProfesoraEdel

Top Image: From the archaeological excavations of the Oseberg burial mound near Tønsberg in 1904. Wikimedia Commons

