
Archaeological Landscapes and Digital Geography

Archaeological Landscapes and Digital Geography

Lecture by Dominic Powlesland

Given in Cambridge, Massachusetts on April 22, 2016

Dominic Powlesland is the director of the Landscape Research Centre in Yorkshire. Over the last 26 years, the LRC has earned an international reputation for research into the application of computing in field archaeology, large scale excavation and recording methodologies, and for the development of new approaches to data recording, integration and publication. They now maintain the most comprehensive digital archaeological landscape archive in the world, available over the web.

Powlesland discusses the evolution of archaeological computing for research and publication: was it worth it? has it changed the past? could it have been done without the silicon chip?

To learn more, please see The Heslerton Parish Project websiteThe West Heslerton Assessment and this Sketchfab page by Dominic Powlesland