
Medieval Warfare Magazine – Volume IV Issue 5

medieval warfare magazine lionheartThe newest issue of Medieval Warfare hits the magazine shelves on October 1st. The theme for this issue is Richard the Lionheart’s conquests in the Mediterranean

Articles in this issue include:

  • Luke Foddy, ‘Richard I in the Mediterranean – historical introduction’
  • Gabriele Esposito, ‘Three is a crowd – The Lionheart’s Sicilian adventure’
  • Stephen Bennett, ‘Opportunity or design – The conquest of Cyprus’
  • Sean McGlynn, ‘Lionheart’s massacre – The siege of Acre’
  • Sidney Dean, ‘Crusader King – From Arsuf to the Treaty of Jaffa’
  • Gregory Liebau, ‘Fighting the Frankish knights – Muslim views of tactics and technology’

You can also read other features, such as:

  • Sean Manning, ‘Flaming sparrows and incendiary cats’
  • Brian Burfield, ‘The invisible enemy: mental illness in the Middle Ages’
  • Graham Ashford, ‘Articulated late fourteenth-century arm harness’

Dirk van Gorp, the Editor of Medieval Warfare Magazine, explains why they choose the famous English king as the focus for this issue: “Richard the Lionheart had a considerable impact on medieval military history, not only as a dangerous player in Anglo-French politics, but also because his military involvement in the Middle East would prolong Christian presence in the Levant for over a century. Historiography turned him into an even larger-than-life figure, thus making him a favorite to many enthusiasts of medieval military history. So we decided to spend a whole theme on the adventures of this legendary character, focusing not only on his more commonly-known victories, but some of his less famous exploits as well.”

Click here to learn more about articles in the latest issue of Medieval Warfare