Alice of Antioch and the rebellion against Fulk of Anjou, by Adriana R. de Almeida
Frontier Warfare in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: The Campaign of Jacob’s Ford, 1178-79, by Malcolm Barber
Forgetting Osama bin Munqidh, Remembering Osama bin Laden: The Crusades in Modern Muslim Memory, by Umej Bhatia
The Treaty of Devol (1108) as an Example of the Byzantine Policy of “Divide and Rule”, by Azat Bozoyan
Genoese Trade with Syria in the Twelfth Century, by Eugene H Byrne
Infidel Dogs: Hunting Crusaders with Usama ibn Munqidh, by Paul M. Cobb
New Information about Cogs and Medieval Naval Logistics from an Eyewitness Crusade Chronicle, De intinere navali, by Dana Cushing
From Raw Materials to a Compound and Back Again: A Look at One Element of Crusader Architecture, by Esther Grabiner
Franks and Natives in the Crusader States: the State of the Question, by Andrew Jotischky
The Battle of Hattin Revisited, by Benjamin Z. Kedar
Armenian Architecture in Twelfth-Century Crusader Jerusalem, by Nurith Kenaan-Kedar
The Fatimid Navy and the Crusades, 1099-1171, by Yaacov Lev
The Crusading Motivation of the Italian City Republics in the Latin East, c. 1096-1104, by Christopher J. Marshall
Prosopographical Research on the Crusader States, by Alan V. Murray
In the Shadow of Zengi: Diplomatic Relations between Damascus and the Crusader States during the Reign of King Fulk of Jerusalem, by Basit Hammad Qureshi
Funduq, Fondaco, and Khan in the Wake of Christian Commerce and Crusade, by Constable Olivia Remie
The Papacy, Crusading, and the Jews in the Central Middle Ages, by Rebecca Rist
‘The Lord put His people to the sword’: Contemporary perceptions of the Battle of Hattin (1187), by Daniel Roach
The Liturgy of the Liberation Jerusalem, by Bernard Sabella
The Visitatio Sepulchri in the Latin Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, by Iris Shagrir
The Naming Patterns of the Inhabitants of Frankish Acre, by Iris Shagrir
The Venetian Crusade of 1122-1124, by Jonathan Riley-Smith
William of Tyre and the Byzantine Empire: the construction and deconstruction of an image, by Luka Špoljarić
Ceramics as a Reflection of Maritime Commercial Activity at Crusader Acre, by Edna J. Stern
How Eager He Was for the Victory of Islam!’: Saladin’s Strategy Against the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1171-1187), by Jan Vandeburie
The medical resources and practice of the crusader states in Syria and Palestine 1096-1193, by Ann F. Woodings
Frontier Warfare in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem: The Campaign of Jacob’s Ford, 1178-79, by Malcolm Barber
Forgetting Osama bin Munqidh, Remembering Osama bin Laden: The Crusades in Modern Muslim Memory, by Umej Bhatia
The Treaty of Devol (1108) as an Example of the Byzantine Policy of “Divide and Rule”, by Azat Bozoyan
Genoese Trade with Syria in the Twelfth Century, by Eugene H Byrne
Infidel Dogs: Hunting Crusaders with Usama ibn Munqidh, by Paul M. Cobb
New Information about Cogs and Medieval Naval Logistics from an Eyewitness Crusade Chronicle, De intinere navali, by Dana Cushing
From Raw Materials to a Compound and Back Again: A Look at One Element of Crusader Architecture, by Esther Grabiner
Franks and Natives in the Crusader States: the State of the Question, by Andrew Jotischky
The Battle of Hattin Revisited, by Benjamin Z. Kedar
Armenian Architecture in Twelfth-Century Crusader Jerusalem, by Nurith Kenaan-Kedar
The Fatimid Navy and the Crusades, 1099-1171, by Yaacov Lev
The Crusading Motivation of the Italian City Republics in the Latin East, c. 1096-1104, by Christopher J. Marshall
Prosopographical Research on the Crusader States, by Alan V. Murray
In the Shadow of Zengi: Diplomatic Relations between Damascus and the Crusader States during the Reign of King Fulk of Jerusalem, by Basit Hammad Qureshi
Funduq, Fondaco, and Khan in the Wake of Christian Commerce and Crusade, by Constable Olivia Remie
The Papacy, Crusading, and the Jews in the Central Middle Ages, by Rebecca Rist
‘The Lord put His people to the sword’: Contemporary perceptions of the Battle of Hattin (1187), by Daniel Roach
The Liturgy of the Liberation Jerusalem, by Bernard Sabella
The Visitatio Sepulchri in the Latin Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, by Iris Shagrir
The Naming Patterns of the Inhabitants of Frankish Acre, by Iris Shagrir
The Venetian Crusade of 1122-1124, by Jonathan Riley-Smith
William of Tyre and the Byzantine Empire: the construction and deconstruction of an image, by Luka Špoljarić
Ceramics as a Reflection of Maritime Commercial Activity at Crusader Acre, by Edna J. Stern
How Eager He Was for the Victory of Islam!’: Saladin’s Strategy Against the Kingdom of Jerusalem (1171-1187), by Jan Vandeburie
The medical resources and practice of the crusader states in Syria and Palestine 1096-1193, by Ann F. Woodings
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