
Hypertext: A Sacred (He)Art? Cor ad cor loquitur from Augustine to Shelley Jackson

Hypertext: A Sacred (He)Art? Cor ad cor loquitur from Augustine to Shelley Jackson

Warren, Martin L.

Medieval Forum, vol. 2 (2003)


Postmodern thinking holds that the subject–the self–is decentered, fragmented, and erratic. An examination of this principle requires that the subject be studied through the writings of the pre-modern, modern, and postmodern eras. An analysis of the medieval spiritual practice of cor ad cor loquitur and the use of the newly evolving form of writing known as hypertext, particularly the hypertext novel, leads to an interesting conclusion, i.e., the mechanism of self-reflection, central to cor ad cor loquitur, resides in the rhetorical structure of hypertext.

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