
St. Nicholas Churches in Anatolia and Thrace

St. Nicholas Churches in Anatolia and Thrace

By Yildiz Ötüken

Arkeoloji Dergisi, Vol.1 (1991)

Introduction: This paper contains a brief presentation of some of the monasteries and churches dedicated to St. Nicholas In Anatolia and turklsh Thrace. Our work on the subject was based mainly on previous research and a number of travel journals published between the 16th and 20th centuries. The main areas of Interest In this connection are Blthynia, Mysia, Cappadocia and Thrace in each of which we have carried out surveys.

As concerns the other regions, we shall contend ourselves with briefly citing some striking examples. This paper, which will constitute the basis of an extensive future study, will hopefully shed some light upon the development of the St.Nicholas cult in Anatolia and Thrace.


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