Parzival, the perfect Medieval hero?
When we now think of knights, we automatically think of knights in shining armours, saving damsels in distress while killing dragons and other mythical creatures. But is this image we have of these heroes correct? Was the Medieval hero really just a tough guy who saved beautiful ladies and killed the ´bad guys´. In this paper I will try to give a standard description of what a Medieval hero really was. After which I will try to determine if Parzival really was a medieval hero, compared to the standards that I have tried to set.
Looking Back: Medieval French Romance and the Dynamics of Seeing
This dissertation builds upon the work of feminist medievalists and other literary and cultural scholars to argue that sight, and objects that are seen, articulate love relationships between characters in medieval romances, and that seeing is frequently a locus of resistance to gender norms the texts both establish and refuse to accept.
“Thus he rode sorowyng”: Travel Narratives and the Ethics of Sexual Behavior in Le Morte d’Arthur
The Arthurian oeuvre traditionally maintains a plot structure that requires knights to depart from the Round Table, either as a response to a challenge or in quest of chivalric “aventure,” followed by a return to Camelot. Within this narrative framework, there exists an intricately designed logic to descriptions of movement and travel. In particular, sex and travel appear inseparable.
Bounds of Imagination:Grail Questing and Chivalric Colonizing in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival
Bounds of Imagination:Grail Questing and Chivalric Colonizing in Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival Hasty, Will The Grail, the Quest and the World of Arthur, ed.…
Orgeluse and the Trial for Rape at the Court of King Arthur: Parzival 521, 19 to 529, 16
Orgeluse and the Trial for Rape at the Court of King Arthur: Parzival 521, 19 to 529, 16 Westphal-Wihl, Sarah Arthuriana 20.3 (2010) Abstract…
Daniel Mangrané and Carlos Serrano de Osma’s Spanish Parsifal (1951): a Strange Film?
Daniel Mangrané and Carlos Serrano de Osma’s Spanish Parsifal (1951): a Strange Film? Zarandona, Juan Miguel Arthuriana 20.4 (2010) Abstract The Spanish cinematic work entitled…