Sir Moriaen: The Black Knight of Arthurian Legend
Discover the tale of Sir Moriaen, the bold Black knight who defied medieval stereotypes and earned his place among King Arthur’s greatest heroes.
The Neglected History of Slavery in the Middle Ages
While often overlooked, slavery persisted throughout the Middle Ages, shaping economies, societies, and cross-cultural trade in ways that challenge traditional historical narratives.
The Brotherhood of Blackheads: A Unique Medieval Club
The Brotherhood of Blackheads, named after their patron saint, Saint Maurice, was a unique medieval organisation that combined trade, military service, and elaborate social traditions in the Hanseatic world.
Why Is Saint Maurice Depicted as African? Seven Medieval Theories
Why does a 13th-century German statue depict Saint Maurice with African features? This article explores seven medieval theories, from linguistic associations to imperial propaganda, that shaped his striking portrayal in medieval art.
What Things Were Worth in the Middle Ages
Discover how medieval societies defined worth—not just in gold and wages, but through symbolic treasures, priceless gifts, and the stories objects carried.
The Myth of the Medieval Flail: Separating Fact from Fiction
The flail, with its chain and spiked ball, is an iconic image of medieval weaponry in the collective imagination. However, its actual use on medieval battlefields is highly contested
The Myth of Mills: Bridging Antiquity and Medieval Innovation
Were watermills a revolutionary invention of the Middle Ages, or do their origins lie deeper in history?
The Magi and Crusader Kings: Symbols of Faith and Power
What do the Three Wise Men and the Crusades have in common? Discover how medieval kings, knights, and emperors drew inspiration from the Magi’s journey, transforming their relics and symbolism into a powerful testament of faith, humility, and sacrifice.
The Clogs of Christmas: A 12th-Century Legend
Originating from the popular tales of the 12th century, The Clogs of Christmas is a touching story of simplicity and faith, portraying how a poor boy’s kindness is rewarded on the Holy Night of Christmas.