How Robert the Bruce Secured the Scottish Throne
Discover how Robert the Bruce transformed his victory at Bannockburn into lasting dominance over Scotland. Learn how strategic alliances, land redistribution, and continued warfare helped him secure the Scottish throne and solidify his dynasty’s future.
Power, Politics, and Thrones: The Unwritten Rules of Medieval Royal Succession
In the complex world of medieval Europe, royal succession was governed by a blend of tradition, power struggles, and divine favor. Understanding these unwritten rules reveals how kings and queens rose to power, often through a delicate balance of lineage, acclaim, and strategic alliances.
The Battle of Dupplin Moor
James Turner analyses this 14th-century battle in Scotland.
Alexander III, King of Scotland: A Child on the Throne and Schemers all Around
Alexander III’s reign both began and ended in crisis.
The Almost Kings of Anglo-Norman England
A look at four men – Robert Curthose, William Clito, Theobald II and Eustace – who almost became the King of England. Why didn’t they reach the throne?
Edward I and the Scottish Succession Crisis of 1290
A long history of Anglo-Scottish relations would lead to Edward I becoming the person who would determine the next King of Scotland.
Saying No to Medieval Fratricide: Why it wasn’t Ok to kill your Brother
A look into the lack of royal fratricide in twelfth-century England.
Did Jousting Give King Edward III Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)?
Could one of the greatest warrior kings of medieval England have secretly suffered from a very modern seeming aliment and if so, was his lifelong and ardent devotion to the chivalric cult to blame?
Harald Hardrada: The Battle of Stamford Bridge
The fight for the crown of England draws Harald into one last battle.
Harald Hardrada: Prelude to Invasion
With Norway under his control, King Harald looks to seize the throne of another kingdom.
Medieval Movie Review: Ironclad
This movie from 2011 gives an extra-bloody version of a somewhat famous English siege.
Harald Hardrada: King of Norway
Coming back to Norway meant that Harald Hardrada had two relatives to deal with – Sweyn and Magnus. It would make for an interesting path to the Norwegian throne.
Medieval Movie Review: The Court Jester
At its core, The Court Jester is a joyous and artfully constructed farce which whips its viewers through its numerous set pieces and shenanigans at an exhilarating pace.
Harald Hardrada: Going Back to Norway
While Harald Hardrada was gaining fame and fortune in Byzantium, much was changing in Norway and Scandinavia.
Medieval Movie Review: The War Lord
Time to shine a light on the half-forgotten and flawed gem from 1965 that is The War Lord.
Harald Hardrada: Overthrowing of an Emperor
Harald Hardrada finds himself in trouble when Byzantine power politics turns deadly.
Harald Hardrada: Against the Bulgarians
In this article, we look at Harald Hardrada’s rewarding service within the Varangian Guard, the Byzantine-Bulgarian conflict, and Harald’s role in defeating a Bulgarian revolt that broke out in 1040.
Harald Hardrada: Fighting in Sicily and Italy
Between 1038 and 1041, a Byzantine force attempted to take control of Sicily and southern Italy. Harald Hadrada would take part in this invasion, but were the saga stories of his victories true?
Medieval Movie Review: El Cid
El Cid was released in 1961 at the absolute zenith of the historical epics’ reign in Hollywood.
Medieval Movie Review: The Adventures of Robin Hood
The Adventures of Robin Hood’s bold and ambitiously realised aesthetics, iconography, and set pieces have caught the eye and fired the imagination of many imitators.
Harald Hardrada: Mediterranean Voyages
Harald Hardrada finds himself in the Mediterranean world, but did he go to Jerusalem?
Harald Hardrada: In Service to the Byzantine Empire
In 1034, Harald, still young but freshly blooded in war, was knocking upon the gates of an empire whose foundations were sunk into a wholly different political and conceptual landscape.
Harald Hardrada: The Universal Empire
As Harald Hardrada travels to Constantinople, what is this Byzantine Empire he’s coming to?
Harald Hardrada: Apprentice Warlord
We now turn to explore the events, as well as the political and cultural contexts of Harald’s burgeoning military career.
Harald Hardrada: Kievan Rus’
The realm that Yaroslav presided over, and which Harald first discovered upon his arrival in 1030 was principally East Slavic in terms of composition and culture but was significantly influenced by its Scandinavian and Byzantine trading partners.