Learning about the Middle Ages through games with Kyle Lincoln
One of the buzzwords in education is gamification – using games to get people more engaged with what they are learning. Danièle is joined this week by Kyle Lincoln to talk about his work with Reacting to the Past and creating games to learn about the Middle Ages.
Medieval manliness – Students design board game in history class
What better way to understand medieval masculinity than through a game?
How Dice Changed in the Middle Ages
Whether at a casino playing craps or engaging with family in a simple board game at home, rolling the dice introduces a bit of chance or “luck” into every game.
Top 15 Etsy Picks for a Medievalist
Let’s face it, it’s just plain difficult to find the perfect gift sometimes! You want it to be unique, a great match…
Want a new Medieval LEGO kit? Vote now!
Here at Medievalists.net, we support all kinds of medieval endeavors including Kickstarter campaigns, movie productions, and now LEGO Ideas! Ben Pitchford contacted us…
Genre Medievalisms: Geek Goes Chic!
Is Cersei a collection of bad medieval stereotypes? Have nerds gone mainstream? Were American cowboys a modern retelling of the medieval knight? Put down that comic, put away your bag of dice, and indulge your inner nerd.