Tag: Medieval Manuscripts and Palaeography

Features Podcast

Dirty Books with Kate Rudy

Through grime, stains, and wax droplets, the filthiest, most well-loved manuscripts tell us the story of how medieval people used – and abused – their books. This week on The Medieval Podcast, Danièle speaks with Kate Rudy about what we can learn from the smudges the people of the Middle Ages left behind, how modern technology helps us figure it out, and why we should all appreciate a really dirty book.


Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books returns to TEFAF Maastricht 2024

Dr. Jörn Günther Rare Books returns to The European Fine Art Fair (TEFAF) in Maastricht this year with a splendid selection of precious manuscripts and rare books. Their highlights this year the Pèlerinage de la Vie Humaine, the Histoire Ancienne, and the Liechtenstein Tacuinum Sanitatis. All three are outstanding, historically significant books that convey the breadth and beauty of medieval manuscript illumination.