
Manuel II Palaiologos (1350-1425) had a lot to say, with Siren Çelik

A conversation with Siren Çelik about the many personas that the emperor Manuel II Palaiologos crafted for himself in his surviving works. In fact, we have more writings from him — in many genres, and many of a personal nature — than from any prior Roman emperor. What was he hoping to accomplish and why is he worth reading?

Siren Çelik is Assistant Professor at Marmara University. This conversation is based on her book Manuel II Palaiologos (1350–1425): A Byzantine Emperor in a Time of Tumult. Click here to view Siren’s university webpage, her page or follow her on Twitter @siren_celik


She also appeared in Episode 12 of this podcast: Byzantine Studies in Turkey 2.0

Byzantium & Friends is hosted by Anthony Kaldellis, Professor and Chair of the Department of Classics at The Ohio State University. You can follow him on his personal website.

You can listen to more episodes of Byzantium & Friends through Podbean,  Spotify or Apple Podcasts

Top Image: Manuel II in a 15th century manuscript – Bibliothèque nationale de France MS Supplément grec 309 fol. VI

