
The Achievements of Albucasis in the Field of Oral Surgery

Medieval Islamic dentistry
Medieval Islamic dentistry
Medieval Islamic dentistry

The Achievements of Albucasis in the Field of Oral Surgery

By A. Haloubi and A. Kassab

Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine, Vol.6-7 (2007-2008)

Abstract: Albucasis “Khalaf bin Abbas Al Zahrawi” is one of the famous physician during Andalusia period. He lived in the 4th H. century and was unique in surgery, the great abutment of modern Surgery, and the first who supported his book “Al Tasreef”“ with surgery tools pictures which the most of them were of his design.

In this research, we are going to study the Historical period where Albucasis lived, and the famous physicians there. Then we have to study the most important achievements of Albucasis in oral surgery through these points:


1. On scraping the teeth with iron instruments.
2. On the extraction of teeth.
3. On the extraction of broken pieces of mandible.
4. On the sawing-down of teeth growing on the top of others.
5. On interlacing loose teeth with silver or gold wire.

Finally, we are going to end the research by results summarizes the importance of Albucasis’s oral surgery and the original of his present.


Introduction: Abu Al Kasim Khalaf Ibn Abbas Al Zahrawi, who named in Latin references Albucasis or Abucasis, is one of the famous Arabic medicine scholars and one of the famous physicians during Andalusia period. The historian Ibn Abi Usaybic a described him as a noble physician expert with simple or compound medicines, a good in rehealing, and has a famous characterization in medical industry. The best of his publications is his great book known as “Alzahrawi” or “Al-Tasrīf Li Man c Ajiza c an Al-Ta´ Līf ”.

His bibliography is not greatly revealed, born in Al Zahraa suburb of Cordoba on 327 H. / 936 Ac. Died also in it on 404h./1013Ac. where the Andalusian Caliph Abdul Rahman Al Naser has put the foundation stone for Al Zahraa city on 327 H. He recruited his son Alhakam who where known by AlHakam the second as a supervisor for its construction.

Albucasis was unique in Surgery, and the great Abutment and dependability of modern surgery. He was the first who supported his book with surgery tools pictures which he invented, developed, and used. And he presented a lot of surgical principles which proved importance and use fullness, although more than ten centuries passed after his death. So he may be considered the dean of surgery and the first establishers.

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