
De Herinacio. On the Hedgehog

Obrazki nunu and Discarding Images have teamed up to create a great video based on a medieval bestiary. De Herinacio: On the Hedgehog comes from the Physiologus and the Rochester Bestiary, (British Library, Royal 12 F XIII).

Dolls and animation: Ala nunu Leszyńska
Storyboard: Karolina Chabier
Music: Magda Tejchma
Narrated by Agnieszka Budzińska-Bennett


Text after the Latin Physiologus translated by Miłosz Sosnowski: ‘Phisiologus dicit quod herinatius figuram habet porcelli lactentis. Hic deforis totus est spinosus. Sed tempore vindemiarum ingreditur in vineam, et ubi viderit uvam bonam, ascendit super vitem et exacinat uvam illam, ita ut cadant omnes racemi in terram. Deinde descendit et volutat se super illos ita ut omnes racemi figantur in spinis eius, et sic portat escam filiis suis.’

‘The Physiologue says that a hedgehog has the shape of a suckling piglet. On the outside it is entirely covered with spines. During the grape-gathering season the hedgehog enters the vineyard. And when it sees a good grape, it climbs up the vine and removes that grape in such a way as to make all the clusters fall onto the ground. Then it climbs down and rolls itself over them so that that all the grapes get caught in its spines This is how it brings food to its offspring.’


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On the Hedgehog
