Elephants were a popular, if mysterious, animal in the Middle Ages. Medieval rulers prized them for their use in war or as a wondrous marvel to impress their subjects. Meanwhile, medieval writers, who often never saw the beast in person, had fanciful ideas about these animals. Here are ten interesting notes about medieval elephants:
To learn more about elephants in the Middle Ages, please see:
Elephants were a popular, if mysterious, animal in the Middle Ages. Medieval rulers prized them for their use in war or as a wondrous marvel to impress their subjects. Meanwhile, medieval writers, who often never saw the beast in person, had fanciful ideas about these animals. Here are ten interesting notes about medieval elephants:
To learn more about elephants in the Middle Ages, please see:
The Elephant in Medieval Legend and Art
Matthew Paris and Henry III’s elephant
Avorio d’ogni ragione: the supply of elephant ivory to northern Europe in the Gothic era
Ammianus and the Elephants: Roman-Persian Siege Warfare in the Fourth Century
Elephants as Enemies in Ancient Rome
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