
Call for Papers: Medieval and Renaissance Lost Libraries

Libraries_in_the_Medieval_and_Renaissance_Periods_Figure_1Medieval and Renaissance Lost Libraries

Conference to be held in London on July 12, 2014

Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals

The 2014 conference of CILIP’s Library and Information History Group will have the theme “Medieval and Renaissance Lost Libraries”. It will be held at Senate House in London on Saturday 12 July 2014. The guest speaker is Dr. Raphaële Mouren, Librarian and Deputy Director of the Warburg Institute. A short walking tour, led by Alice Ford-Smith will take place after the conference, but places are limited to 20 people.

Papers are welcome on such topics as libraries that have been destroyed either deliberately or accidentally, stolen books and libraries, fractured collections and losses due to weeding policy. Examples may be taken from any country in the world.

Abstracts of no more than 250 words (for individual 20 minute papers) should be sent to Monica Blake at [email protected] by 3 March 2014. Accepted conference papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Group’s journal Library & Information History.

A student bursary is being offered which covers conference fees and refreshments, but not travel expenses. The deadline for the bursary is the 1st of May 2014. Applications can be made by emailing a short paragraph explaining why you would like to attend the conference along with a one page CV to the Chair, Renae Satterley: [email protected].

The conference will cost £40 to LIHG members, £50 to non-members and £30 to students. Booking will open after the CFP has been closed.