
Measure and classify the usual time: the dogged work of medieval jurists

Measure and classify the usual time: the dogged work of medieval jurists

Miceli, Paola

Mirabilia 11,Tiempo y Eternidad en la Edad Media, Jun-Dez (2010)


The custom has been linked in the juridical classic tradition and in the medieval one to the problem of the time. Nevertheless the conception of the temporality that was operating in each of these traditions was clearly different. The target of this work will be to show the transformation that took place in the medieval right with regard to the time of the custom, change directly related to a new Christian conception that did of the time a key for the salvation. Although the references to the time of the custom were already present in Corpus Iuris never the Roman legal experts alluded to period that were allowing the introduction of the same one. The time in the roman jurisprudence only was qualifying to the custom. The medieval jurists crossed by a conception of the time where the term was an important element for the attainment of an end (the salvation in the eschatological time) got obsessed for measuring and classifying the time of the consuetudo.

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