‘You Talk, We Act’: A Remarkable Dialogue from the Middle Ages
This remarkable text captures a dialogue between a Parisian Master of Theology and a Beguine, recorded in the late 13th century.
New Medieval Books: The Mirror of Simple Souls
This novel, originally in French as La nuit de béguines, tells the story of a community of religious women in 14th century Paris. It is based on the Beguines, the lay religious order that courted controversy in the later Middle Ages.
How women contributed to the medieval music scene
Could medieval women be musicians? Here are three examples of how they created music in the 13th and 14th centuries.
Beguines with Tanya Stabler Miller
Often, people think of the women of medieval Europe as either wives or nuns: women whose lives and property were under the control of someone else. But what tends to be forgotten is that for some women there was a third option: to become a beguine. This week, Danièle speaks with Dr. Tanya Stabler Miller about who the beguines were, and what medieval society thought of them.
The influence of conflicting medieval church and social discourses on individual consciousness : dissociation in the visions of Hadewijch of Brabant
This article examines the influence of the conflicting dis- courses in the medieval church and its social context on the subconscious experiences of Hadewijch of Brabant, a 13th century Flemish visionary, mystical author, vernacular theologian and Beguine leader
Women, Heresy, and Crusade: Toward a Context for Jacques de Vitry’s Relationship to the Early Beguines
Grundmann‘s search for a founding figure is understandable in light of the problematic nature of Beguine institutional history. Beguine historiography has long struggled with the anomalous lack of clear foundation documents and accounts.
Herb-workers and Heretics: Beguines, Bakhtin and the Basques
During the Middle Ages and early Renaissance, the word beguine was used by women to identify themselves as members of a wide-spread and influential women’s movement. The same term was used by their detractors and overt opponents, with the highly charged negative meaning of “heretic.” The etymology of the term “beguine” and ultimate origins of the movement have never been satisfactorily explained.
Sisters Between: Gender and the Medieval Beguines
The origins of the Beguines can be traced to two important medieval religious reform movements: monastic mysticism and the vita apostolica, or “apostolic life.”
The vita of Douceline de Digne (1214-1274): Beguine spirituality and orthodoxy in thirteenth century Marseilles
Amongst these is Douceline de Digne (1214-1274) whose life as a mystic and a beguine provides evidence for a new perspective on the influence and participation of women in the spirituality of the mid-thirteenth century.
Minnesota professor receives funding to research medieval religious women in Germany
For years, Deane has been passionate about studying the lay religious women of medieval Europe often known as ‘beguines’, whose hundreds of independent communities were mainly centered in the Low Countries, the Rhine region, France, and German-speaking lands.
Retroactive Heresy: The influence of early Christian heresies on the identification and reaction to heretical sects
The medieval Church viewed itself as Defender of the Faith, the destroyer of the unbelievers, the wrong believers. These heretics were to be reviled and feared as perverters of God’s word. The perverters of orthodoxy were, ultimately, not to be distinguished from one another, but rather known by catchphrases.
Blood and body : women’s religious practices in late medieval Europe
Blood and body : women’s religious practices in late medieval Europe Tudesko, Jenny L. Thesis: M.A., History, California State University, Sacramento (2009) Abstract…
KALAMAZOO 2011: Session 185 – Friday, May 13:The Papacy and Thirteenth-Century Women
The Papacy and Thirteenth-Century Women Sponsor:Franciscan Institute, St. Bonaventure University and Women in the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition (WIFIT) Organizer: Maria Pia Alberzoni, University…