A Brief Life of Thomas Aquinas: The Theologian in His Context
By: Jean-Pierre Torrell, OP
Translated by Benedict M. Guevin, OSB
The Catholic University of America Press
ISBN: 978-0-8132-3796-1
Thomas Aquinas stands as a pivotal figure in the medieval history of Christianity. This biography of the 13th-century theologian, penned by one of the foremost experts on Aquinas, offers deep insight into his life and legacy.
If you purchased this book because of its title, this no doubt means that you have already tried to read something by St. Thomas or about him and have decided to stop because of some unforeseen obstacle, like the language was too difficult or you were unaccustomed to it. This first hurdle is not impossible. At the very least you know who St. Thomas is; you have heard others speak of him and desire to know him better.
It is enough to maintain this first attitude—what philosophers readily describe as that which is proper to human beings: the desire to know. Without this desire, this little book will be of no use to you. If, however, this desire remains, so too does hope. A little effort is sometimes needed, and so I hope that you will not be disappointed.
Who is this book for?
While Thomas Aquinas is a subject of extensive study, this book sets itself apart through the author’s impressive expertise and its approachable, informal writing style. It serves as an excellent introduction to this influential figure, making his life and ideas accessible to a wider audience.
The Author
Jean-Pierre Torrell is a Dominican priest and professor emeritus at the University of Fribourg. He is highly regarded as one of the leading experts on Aquinas. This work is even more impressive considering Torrell is 97 years old when this book came out. Click here to read an interview with him.
A Brief Life of Thomas Aquinas: The Theologian in His Context
By: Jean-Pierre Torrell, OP
Translated by Benedict M. Guevin, OSB
The Catholic University of America Press
ISBN: 978-0-8132-3796-1
Thomas Aquinas stands as a pivotal figure in the medieval history of Christianity. This biography of the 13th-century theologian, penned by one of the foremost experts on Aquinas, offers deep insight into his life and legacy.
If you purchased this book because of its title, this no doubt means that you have already tried to read something by St. Thomas or about him and have decided to stop because of some unforeseen obstacle, like the language was too difficult or you were unaccustomed to it. This first hurdle is not impossible. At the very least you know who St. Thomas is; you have heard others speak of him and desire to know him better.
It is enough to maintain this first attitude—what philosophers readily describe as that which is proper to human beings: the desire to know. Without this desire, this little book will be of no use to you. If, however, this desire remains, so too does hope. A little effort is sometimes needed, and so I hope that you will not be disappointed.
Who is this book for?
While Thomas Aquinas is a subject of extensive study, this book sets itself apart through the author’s impressive expertise and its approachable, informal writing style. It serves as an excellent introduction to this influential figure, making his life and ideas accessible to a wider audience.
The Author
Jean-Pierre Torrell is a Dominican priest and professor emeritus at the University of Fribourg. He is highly regarded as one of the leading experts on Aquinas. This work is even more impressive considering Torrell is 97 years old when this book came out. Click here to read an interview with him.
You can learn more about this book from the publisher’s website.
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