Features Podcast

The Battle of Crécy (1346) – Part 2

Michael and Kelly continue their discussion of the Battle of Crécy, one of the major battles of the Hundred Years’ War. In this episode, they challenge the traditional accounts of the battle and where it took place.

Click here to listen to the first part of their talk on Battle of Crécy.

Michael Livingston’s upcoming book is Crécy: Battle of Five Kings

Kelly DeVries is a Professor at Loyola University in Maryland and Honorary Historical Consultant at the Royal Armouries. You can learn more about Kelly on his university webpage.

Michael Livingston teaches at The Citadel and is the author of numerous books on medieval history as well as fiction novels. You can learn more about Michael on his website, or follow him on Twitter @medievalguy

You can find their Wikipedia pages here and here!

See also:

New Location for the Battle of Crécy discovered

Who actually died at the Battle of Crecy?