Our Magazine

Medieval Magazine: Kings and Queens Special


Are you interested in royalty in the Middle Ages? Try our five-issue theme pack from The Medieval Magazine. For $7.99 (US) get these five digital issues of the magazine:

Issue 8: Richard’s Final Journey

The Road to Richard III: The Reburial of the Last Plantagenet

Issue 51: Royal Mistresses

We follow the stories of two medieval mistresses: Alice Perrers and Agnès Sorel

Issue 43: How to Murder a Byzantine Emperor

We tell the story of three Byzantine emperors who get murdered.

Issue 5: How to become the King of England

We take a look at surprising rise of Stephen of Blois to become the King of England, just three weeks after the death of Henry I


Issue 57: Anglo-Saxon England

Osthryth, Queen of the Mercians


You can buy all five digital issues for $7.99 using PayPal

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