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The Medieval Magazine – Issue 25

medievalverse-25This week’s issue of The Medieval Magazine (aka The Medievalverse) includes:

The Last Viking and his Magical Sword?

An amazing discovery of a late Viking Age sword – embellished with gold, inscriptions and other ornamentation – has now been revealed in Norway. Found in the southern Norwegian village of Langeid in 2011, the medieval weapon is now being displayed for the first time.

How Much Taxes Did a Medieval Peasant Pay?

A new study on taxation in late medieval Sweden has revealed fascinating details about how much peasants had to pay to the royal government in taxes.


Ten Castles that Made Medieval Britain: Caernarfon Castle

A true citadel, Caernarfon Castle casts a long shadow –its meticulously calculated and formidable stonework heavy with the weight of symbolism.

When Reality Becomes Fantasy: How Video Games are Hijacking the Middle Ages

“The Middle Ages is a space where white supremecy is legitimised.The maintenance of white privilege. The gamer community use ‘historical facts’ to legitimise this kind of literacy.”


Ten Unusual Moments from the First Crusade

The First Crusade was one of the most written about events during the Middle Ages. Many Christian writers, including some who took part in the pilgrimage/campaign, left detailed accounts of what happened. They sometimes also included more unusual tales, ranging from battles with bears to sitting on a throne when you are not supposed to.

Cracking down on illegal gambling in Medieval Livonia

Just like their modern day counterparts, medieval cities had to deal with their own criminal underworlds – the sex trade, gambling, and violence taking place within their walls.

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