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Wellcome Trust puts over 100,000 images online

Credit: Wellcome Library, London Gynaecological texts, including information about conception, pregnancy and childbirth - Woman who died in childbirth on operating table, with doctor holding knife after delivering baby by Caesarean section, a nurse holding swaddled child Ink and Watercolour Circa 1420-30 From: MS 49, Apocalypse, (The), [etc.]. Apocalypsis S. Johannis cum glossis et Vita S. Johannis; Ars Moriendi, etc.; Anatomical, medical, texts, theological moral and allegorical 'exempla' and extracts, a few in verse.

The Wellcome Trust, a leading British health organization, has created an online database of over 100 000 historical images, including many from the Middle Ages. The images can be found on the Wellcome Images website and come from manuscripts, paintings, etchings, and early photographs.

Credit: Wellcome Library, London  Gynaecological texts, including information about conception, pregnancy and childbirth - Woman who died in childbirth on operating table, with doctor holding knife after delivering baby by Caesarean section, a nurse holding swaddled child  Ink and Watercolour Circa 1420-30  From: MS 49, Apocalypse, (The), [etc.]. Apocalypsis S. Johannis cum glossis et Vita S. Johannis; Ars Moriendi, etc.; Anatomical, medical, texts, theological moral and allegorical 'exempla' and extracts, a few in verse.

The unique and diverse holdings of the Wellcome Library, one of the world’s leading libraries on medical history and the human condition, offer a rich body of historical images, ranging from ancient medical manuscripts to etchings by artists such as Vincent van Goghand Francisco Goya. The earliest item is a 2000-year-old Egyptian prescription on papyrus, and treasures include exquisite medieval illuminated manuscripts and anatomical drawings, from delicate 16th-century fugitive sheets, whose hinged paper flaps reveal hidden viscera, to Paolo Mascagni’s vibrantly coloured etching of an ‘exploded’ torso.


From the beauty of a Persian horoscope for the 15th-century prince Iskandar to sharply sketched satires by Thomas RowlandsonJames Gillray and Robert Cruikshank, the collection is by turns both sacred and profane. Photography includes Eadweard Muybridge’s studies of motionJohn Thomson’s remarkable 19th-century portraits from his travels in China, and a newly added series of photographs of hysteric and epileptic patients at the famous Salpêtrière Hospital.

A man and a woman loading a cart, woodcut,1491 -  Credit: Wellcome Library, London Simon Chaplin, Head of the Wellcome Library, says “Together the collection amounts to a dizzying visual record of centuries of human culture and our attempts to understand our bodies, minds and health through art and observation. As a strong supporter of open access, we want to make sure these images can be used and enjoyed by anyone without restriction.”


The images are being released under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence, allowing users to freely copy, distribute, edit, manipulate and build upon as they wish, and are available for personal or commercial use.

Catherine Draycott, Head of Wellcome Images, says, “Wellcome Images is an invaluable visual resource for anyone interested in themes around medicine and the wider history of health, and we are delighted to make our growing archive of historical images freely available to all and provide the mechanism for direct access to them. We hope that users, both personal and commercial, take full advantage of the material available.”

Colin Jones, Fellow of the British Academy and Professor of History at Queen Mary University of London, added, “This announcement makes 2014 a happy new year indeed for anyone interested in what the past looked like. Focused on the history of health and healing, the Wellcome Images archive is in fact quite extraordinarily wide-ranging. It touches and illuminates almost every facet of human existence.”

Click here to visit the Wellcome Images Library

Source: Wellcome Trust
