Month: September 2012


The Bones of Saint Peter

Sometime in AD 48, Peter had a tense meeting in Jerusalem with an enthusiastic missionary called Paul, who had been travelling among the peoples of the Near East, spreading news of Jesus’ teachings. Peter and his Jewish friends in Jerusalem were anxious that male converts to the new sect should be circumcised, as a sign that their commitment was genuine.


Imtheachta Aeniasa: Virgil’s “Aeneid” in Medieval Ireland

The project of the Irish translator of the Aeneid was strikingly different from that of a modern translator, of Virgil or of any other author: Whereas the modern translator will strive to convey in a different language both the substance and the form of his source (although there are always problems with metrical texts), the medieval translator, particularly of secular narratives, was primarily interested in ‘acceptability (to the recipients) rather than adequacy (to the original)’ .


Construction Methods and Models of Cistercian Abbeys in North-Western Italy between XII and XIII Century

Studies on the so-called bernardine plan (plan bernardin, bernhardinischer Grundtypus), a rigid layout without bending elements (transept with squared chapels on the eastern and western sides, and a rectangular pro- jecting church), and the diffusion of this planning choice in the multiform world of the Cistercian architecture made remarkable progress in recent years, thanks to fine job of collecting and classifying examples of this in different European countries


Construction evolution of medieval tuscan monasteries: The case of badia San Savino in Cascina (Pisa)

The most important stage of this preliminary study has been the historical analysis: the history of the
S. Savino complex is marked by many alterations and modifications to the original structures, presumably
carried out to adapt them to the demands of different (Ceccarelli Lemut and Garzella, 1996 -Pazzagli, 1985- Redi, 1984).
ages and different functions


The Sufi Influence on Spanish Jews

By reintroducing true stories of positive interactions between Muslims and Jews, we can begin to change the contemporary dialogue away from the schoolyard “you’re either with us or against us” attitude of this young millennia, towards a more Gandhian approach, where a just peace for everyone involved is the only true option…