
The Thraco-Dacian Origin of the Paparuda/Dodola Rain-Making Ritual

The Thraco-Dacian Origin of the Paparuda/Dodola Rain-Making Ritual

By Mihai Dragnea

Brukenthalia Acta Musei, No. 3 (2013)

Issy Witcomb - Rainfall on Adriatic Sea, Croatia

Abstract: This study presents an analysis about the rain-making ritual from Romania, called Paparuda, performed in the spring and in times of severe drought. The ritual is common also in the Slavic folklore, with the same structure. In this study, I will try to demonstrate that the origin of the rain-making ritual Paparuda/Dodola is Thracian, and South Slavic tribes from Balkans adopted the ritual from the Thracians. The ritual is present almost in the entire Balkan Peninsula, especially in the area inhabited by Slavs, which was Thracian before the Slavic migration from 6th century.

Introduction: Paparuda, also called Paparudă, Papalugă, Păpălugă, Paparugă, Babarugă,  Băbăruge, Dodola, Dodoloaie, Dadaloaie,  Dodoloi, Mămăruţă or Gogul, is the name of the magic rain-making ritual both in the Romanian mythology and the South Slavic ones (Croatians, Serbs, Macedonians and Bulgarians).


In the mythology of Slavs, we found out that Perun went to the heavenly world Prav, where he met Dodola, the beautiful daughter of the god of heavens, whom he married, and she would be called Perunica (Перуница) or Perperuna. The hierogamy of the two results into a child, Diva-Devana. Another legend tells us that the god Veles steels Dodola on her wedding day with Perun. The latter will wage a mythological war against  Veles, will defeat him and, as a result, the latter will take refuge in the underworld. Perun is presented as a fighter against the drought.

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