
Baghdad as a Center of Learning and Book Production

Baghdad as a Center of Learning and Book Production

Paper given by Hugh Kennedy

Given at the Sixth Biennial Hamad bin Khalifa Symposium on Islamic Art, in Doha, Qatar, on November 8, 2015

Excerpt: Why does Baghdad become some an enormous centre of book production – of literature and the physical production of books? I want to suggest to you that what goes on in Baghdad during the period from the foundation of the city in 762 right through the coming of the Seljuks in 1050 – what went on was something very exceptional and if we want to understand it and the impact of it we should be looking at the origins of this movement.


Hugh Kennedy is a Professor of Arabic in the Department of the Languages and Cultures of Near and Middle East at the School of Oriental and African Studies. Click here to view his webpage.
