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The Medieval Magazine: At the Medieval Academy of America (Issue 7)

medieval mag 7

First published in March 2015:

This week’s issue includes reports from the Medieval Academy of America’s Annual Meeting, which was held last week at the University of Notre Dame. Read about malaria in the early medieval west, and the music hidden in a 13th century text. Read also about the environmental impact of crusading, a project to examine early Irish texts and about a crowdfunding effort to raise €25,000 to restore a medieval prayer book.

Malaria in the Early Middle Ages

In his paper, ‘Malaria and Malaria-Like Disease in the Frankish Empire, c.450-950, Timothy Newfield examines over fifty references to illnesses which appear in Merovingian and Carolingian sources such as Gregory of Tours’ Historia Francorum


Music in the Bestiary of Love

The Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America kicked off yesterday with a keynote paper by Elizabeth Eva Leach of the University of Oxford, where she reveals how one can find the traces of music in medieval text, which once would have been very obvious to its contemporary readers, but would be difficult to spot for a modern audience.

Environmental Crusading

Environmental archaeologist and Professor of Archeology at Reading University, Dr. Aleks Pluskowski, examined Malbork and several other sites across Eastern and Northern Europe in his recent paper, The Ecology of Crusading: The Environmental Impact of Holy War, Colonisation, and Religious Conversion in the Medieval Baltic


Historian awarded €1.8 million to research early Irish texts

Millions of people are descended from Genghis Khan and 10 other Asian dynastic leaders, researchers find

and more…

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