
Gregorian Chant, the Greatest Unison Music

Gregorian Chant, the Greatest Unison Music

By Georgia Stevens

The Musical Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 2 (1944)

Introduction: I want to say at the outset that it is from the musical and the practical point of view that I write of the Chant, with hope of convincing musicians and educators that it can be brought into the lives of people. Learned books have been written to show its historical development and this has been done in such a masterly manner that refer you to these recent books, which all the larger libraries possess. I speak simply as a teacher of a choir that has labored for many years and as an ardent though humble student of the great musical literature of Georgian Chant.

What is the function of music? In answer a book could be written, and assuming it was well done, to musicians and thinkers it would be an interesting book, opening new vistas. One answer as to church music has already been given by Pope Pius X in the Motu Proprio on music, dated November 22, 1903; to quote: “it proper aim is to add greater efficacy to the text.” The Pope is speaking of the religious services of the Catholic Church, and the Chant can and does do this if given a chance.


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