
King Richard’s Grave in Leicester

King Richard’s Grave in Leicester

By David Baldwin

Transactions of Leicester Archaeological and Historical Society, Vol. 60 (1986)

Introduction: Unlike his brother and predecessor, King Edward IV, and his immediate successor, King Henry VII, whose magnificent sepulchres may still be seen in St George’s Chapel, Windsor, and Westminster Abbey respectively, King Richard III is unique among later medieval English monarchs in lying an an unmarked and forgotten grave. Yet in spite of, or perhaps because of, his subsequent notoriety, the possibility of finding a physical link with the last of the Plantaganets has drawn generations of curious visitors to Leicsester, the town from he imperiously marched to Bosworth Field and to which his remains were afterwards ignominiously returned. The stories which surround the fate of the King’s body, and of the tomb which enclosed it, are legion; and the quincentenary of the battle affords an opportunity to re-examine the available evidence, perhaps more fully than has been possible to date.

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