
A Forgotten Crusade: Alfonso VII of Leon-Castile and the Campaign for Jaen (1148)

A Forgotten Crusade: Alfonso VII of Leon-Castile and the Campaign for Jaen (1148)

By Simon Barton

Historical Research, Vol.73, No.182 (2000)

Abstract: Between 1147 and 1149 the rulers of the realms of Christian Iberia conducted a series of victorious campaigns against the Muslims of the peninsula. Although it has been widely assumed that Alfonso VII of León-Castile remained militarily inactive during 1148, Christian and Muslim sources, notably the Anales Toledanos and the Ibar of Ibn-Khaldun, indicate that the emperor led an unsuccessful expedition to capture Jaén in that year; and that he sought papal encouragement for his efforts. The Jaén crusade should be viewed in the context of a general Christian offensive backed by the papacy to destroy the power of Islam.

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